US Car Sales Data by Segment

U.S Car Sales Data by Vehicle Segment

Dive into the sales data for each vehicle type and segment in the United States. We look at everything from SUVs to compact cars. Segment trends tell us a lot about consumer behavior and which types of vehicles buyers are shifting towards in the long term. Includes historical performance by month and annually.


automotive sales reports by segment for the u.s Car market

US Alternative power segment

Car sales statistics for the EV and alternative power car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Commercial van segment

Car sales statistics for the commercial van segment in the US, updated every quarter.

 US Compact car segment

Car sales statistics for the compact car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Compact sports car segment

Car sales statistics for the compact sports car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Compact SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the compact SUV / crossover segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Exotic car segment

Car sales statistics for the exotic car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Large sports car segment

Car sales statistics for the large sports car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Large SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the large SUV segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Large PAssenger (Limo) segment

Car sales statistics for the limousine segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Mid-sized car segment

Car sales statistics for the mid-sized car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Mid-sized SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the mid-sized SUV / crossover segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Minicar segment

Car sales statistics for the minicar segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Pickup segment

Car sales statistics for the full-sized pickup truck segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Premium compact car segment

Car sales statistics for the premium compact car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Premium compact SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the premium compact SUV / crossover segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Premium large car segment

Car sales statistics for the premium large car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Premium large SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the premium large SUV segment in the US, updated every quarter.

 US Premium mid-sized car segment

Car sales statistics for the premium mid-sized car segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Premium mid-sized SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the premium mid-sized SUV / crossover segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Small pickup segment

Car sales statistics for the small pickup truck segment in the US, updated every quarter.

US Subcompact SUV segment

Car sales statistics for the subcompact SUV / crossover segment in the US, updated every quarter.