China car sales analysis first half 2021

In the first half of 2021, the Chinese car market is up 28.1% on the first half of 2020, which was heavily interrupted by COVID-19 related lockdowns from the end of January until April. When compared to the first half of 2019, the market is virtually flat at -1.8%.

Across segments, the growth is fairly evenly divided with crossovers and SUVs up 29.9% to a share of 47%, up 1.5 percentage points on 2020. Sedans sales are up 29.2% and their share is down 1.1 percentage points on last year but still stay ahead of crossovers at 48.1%. MPV sales are the weakest class, up by 28.5%. MPV share is still down 0.4 percentage points at 5%.

At 42.3%, local brands are up to their second highest ever market share, after 2017, thanks to sales up 49.6% while import brands are up “just” 16.1%. Mostly thanks to the start of local production by Tesla, US brands have lost the smallest piece of market share thanks to sales up 22.9%. They now hold 7.1% share of the Chinese car market, down from 9.8% in all of 2020. Japanese brands are up 19.8%, their share is down from 23.5% in 2020 to 22.6% in the first half of 2021. European brands are up 19.5%, their share is down from 25% in 2020 to 23.3% in the first half of 2021. The worst performers are the South-Korean brands, down 7.7% on the first half of last year. They now hold just 2.8% of the Chinese car market, down from 3.5% in all of 2020 and from nearly 10% from 2009 through 2014.


Despite being defeated for the first time in modern history in June, Volkswagen holds on to the YTD lead but loses 2.7 percentage points of market share and is the worst performing brand in the top-24 with sales up just 2.4%. Toyota and Honda are closing in quickly but still lose market share with sales up 25.2% and 23.3%. Changan is the best performing brand in the top-12 and becomes the best selling domestic brand at #4 with sales up 66.7%, gaining 1.5 percentage points of market share. Geely is now #2 among locals with sales up just 8.7%, losing 0.9 percentage points of market share. Haval also outperforms with sales up 49.3%, but Chery (#12, +91.8%), Wuling (#13, +259.6%) and BYD (#14, +61.2%) perform even better.

Audi holds on to the luxury crown and overall 9th place with sales up 35.4%, followed closely by BMW, up 31.9%, while Mercedes-Benz loses share with sales up 18%. Tesla is still at a distance but closing in quickly with deliveries up 269.8%. However, keep in mind since our data reflects wholesale shipments from the factory and Tesla has exported a number of Shanghai-made Model 3 sedans to Europe because of production delays in North America. Those numbers are included in these figures, so take out about 15,000 units to reflect the actual Chinese registrations of Tesla. Hongqi follows at #22 with sales up 115.5%, passing Cadillac at #23, up 32.7%, while Volvo continues to gain market share in China with sales up 42.3% in 29th place. Lincoln, thanks to the start of local production of 3 of its crossovers, is up to #37 with 0.4% market share. Land Rover (#50, +11.4%) and Jaguar (#55, +24%) lose ground, and so do Acura (#70, -27.5%) and Infiniti (#76, -72.6%), while DS makes somewhat of a recovery at #86 (+189.6%), but remains a niche player with less than 500 deliveries in six months.

Biggest winner among imports is Peugeot after years of declines at +130.4% to 44th place,  while the losers among import brands are Skoda, losing more than half of its sales (#45, -52.9%), Jeep (#53, -32.2%), Kia (#31, -31.5%) and Chevrolet, down 29.6% on last year in 25th place.

Among domestic brands the winners are the New Energy startups Xpeng (#40, +554.6%), Geometry (#60, +473.4%), Ora (#35, +456.9%), Neta (#47, +321.9%), LI Auto (#41, +217.4%), Nio (#36, +196.1%) and Weltmeister (#51, +103.8%). Lynk & Co is up to #24, almost doubling its sales of last year, Wey more than doubles at #33, but Baojun continues to struggle, dropping from a top-10 position in 2017 and 2018 to #27 so far in 2021. Other domestics in trouble are Borgward (#72, -39.5%), BAIC (#39, -27.3%) and Soueast (#64, -19.6%).

China brands ranking first half 2021

Please note these figures are for locally produced models only, they exclude imported cars, which make up only a small portion (around 5%) of sales in China.

Rank Brand 2021 2020 Change 2021 share 2020 share
1 Volkswagen 1.047.174 1.022.292 2,4% 10,7% 13,4%
2 Toyota 832.405 664.859 25,2% 8,5% 8,7%
3 Honda 753.990 611.653 23,3% 7,7% 8,0%
4 Changan 646.447 387.819 66,7% 6,6% 5,1%
5 Geely 515.684 474.518 8,7% 5,3% 6,2%
6 Nissan 501.110 430.163 16,5% 5,1% 5,6%
7 Haval 391.541 262.216 49,3% 4,0% 3,4%
8 Buick 367.644 326.484 12,6% 3,8% 4,3%
9 Audi 367.108 271.043 35,4% 3,8% 3,6%
10 BMW 354.629 268.943 31,9% 3,6% 3,5%
11 Mercedes-Benz 334.850 283.674 18,0% 3,4% 3,7%
12 Chery 304.746 158.890 91,8% 3,1% 2,1%
13 Wuling 304.452 84.658 259,6% 3,1% 1,1%
14 BYD 242.321 150.304 61,2% 2,5% 2,0%
15 GAC 196.801 141.052 39,5% 2,0% 1,9%
16 Hyundai 194.085 181.319 7,0% 2,0% 2,4%
17 FAW 180.315 111.813 61,3% 1,8% 1,5%
18 Dongfeng 162.775 111.998 45,3% 1,7% 1,5%
19 Tesla 161.768 43.744 269,8% 1,7% 0,6%
20 SAIC Roewe 159.803 142.733 12,0% 1,6% 1,9%
21 SAIC MG 156.634 99.737 57,0% 1,6% 1,3%
22 Hongqi 145.212 67.397 115,5% 1,5% 0,9%
23 Cadillac 111.910 84.361 32,7% 1,1% 1,1%
24 Lynk & Co 107.873 54.763 97,0% 1,1% 0,7%
25 Chevrolet 102.290 145.362 -29,6% 1,0% 1,9%
26 Ford 99.429 102.326 -2,8% 1,0% 1,3%
27 Baojun 97.942 134.030 -26,9% 1,0% 1,8%
28 Jetta 85.513 79.670 7,3% 0,9% 1,0%
29 Volvo 79.397 55.801 42,3% 0,8% 0,7%
30 Mazda 79.095 84.043 -5,9% 0,8% 1,1%
31 Kia 77.257 112.738 -31,5% 0,8% 1,5%
32 Jetour 67.490 37.367 80,6% 0,7% 0,5%
33 Wey 56.057 26.639 110,4% 0,6% 0,3%
34 Sol 54.078 0 New 0,6% 0,0%
35 Ora 52.547 9.436 456,9% 0,5% 0,1%
36 Nio 41.956 14.169 196,1% 0,4% 0,2%
37 Lincoln 37.554 6.098 515,8% 0,4% 0,1%
38 Bestune 34.827 44.414 -21,6% 0,4% 0,6%
39 BAIC 33.317 45.853 -27,3% 0,3% 0,6%
40 Xpeng 30.738 4.696 554,6% 0,3% 0,1%
41 LI Auto 30.154 9.500 217,4% 0,3% 0,1%
42 Venucia 30.014 33.022 -9,1% 0,3% 0,4%
43 Mitsubishi 30.006 28.474 5,4% 0,3% 0,4%
44 Peugeot 26.262 11.400 130,4% 0,3% 0,1%
45 Skoda 22.500 47.771 -52,9% 0,2% 0,6%
46 SAIC Maxus 22.449 14.436 55,5% 0,2% 0,2%
47 Neta 21.104 5.002 321,9% 0,2% 0,1%
48 JAC 20.465 51.561 -60,3% 0,2% 0,7%
49 SWM Motor 18.503 25.386 -27,1% 0,2% 0,3%
50 Land Rover 16.022 14.377 11,4% 0,2% 0,2%
51 Weltmeister 15.665 7.686 103,8% 0,2% 0,1%
52 Leapmotor 14.830 879 1587,1% 0,2% 0,0%
53 Jeep 12.057 17.774 -32,2% 0,1% 0,2%
54 Citroën 10.475 11.856 -11,6% 0,1% 0,2%
55 Jaguar 10.449 8.424 24,0% 0,1% 0,1%
56 Cos 8.917 3.859 131,1% 0,1% 0,1%
57 Senova 8.535 19.118 -55,4% 0,1% 0,3%
58 Yema 7.903 8.388 -5,8% 0,1% 0,1%
59 Jinbei 6.750 7.741 -12,8% 0,1% 0,1%
60 Geometry 6.680 1.165 473,4% 0,1% 0,0%
61 BJEV 5.982 14.613 -59,1% 0,1% 0,2%
62 VGV 5.846 7.977 -26,7% 0,1% 0,1%
63 Suzuki 5.199 10.337 -49,7% 0,1% 0,1%
64 Soueast 5.081 6.318 -19,6% 0,1% 0,1%
65 Qoros 4.883 2.837 72,1% 0,0% 0,0%
66 Haima 4.773 2.377 100,8% 0,0% 0,0%
67 Levdeo 4.519 849 432,3% 0,0% 0,0%
68 Lingbao 4.468 0 New 0,0% 0,0%
69 Foton 4.373 3.408 28,3% 0,0% 0,0%
70 Acura 3.516 4.849 -27,5% 0,0% 0,1%
71 Yudo 3.388 402 742,8% 0,0% 0,0%
72 Borgward 3.032 5.012 -39,5% 0,0% 0,1%
73 Aiways 2.546 207 1130,0% 0,0% 0,0%
74 Denza 2.383 1.923 23,9% 0,0% 0,0%
75 Everus 2.341 627 273,4% 0,0% 0,0%
76 Infiniti 2.309 8.424 -72,6% 0,0% 0,1%
77 Maple 2.165 0 New 0,0% 0,0%
78 Karry 1.813 897 102,1% 0,0% 0,0%
79 Seres 1.580 0 New 0,0% 0,0%
80 JMC 1.182 2.277 -48,1% 0,0% 0,0%
81 Arcfox 1.167 10 11570,0% 0,0% 0,0%
82 Zedriv 1.149 1.501 -23,5% 0,0% 0,0%
83 Qiteng 849 211 302,4% 0,0% 0,0%
84 Hanteng 748 6.949 -89,2% 0,0% 0,1%
85 Dorcen 560 5.770 -90,3% 0,0% 0,1%
86 DS 446 154 189,6% 0,0% 0,0%
87 Changhe 250 4.729 -94,7% 0,0% 0,1%
88 Hycan 131 124 5,6% 0,0% 0,0%
89 Leopaard 40 331 -87,9% 0,0% 0,0%
90 Huansu 23 1.937 -98,8% 0,0% 0,0%


In the models ranking, the Nissan Sylphy continues where it ended 2020: at the top of the charts as the only nameplate with over 200,000 sales. It’s up 22.2% on the first half of 2020, while its nearest rival from last year Volkswagen Lavida is up just 5.3% and down into 5th place. The Haval H6 is in second place, making it both the most popular domestic model and the most popular crossover in China. The Toyota Corolla is up into third place, while the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV lands out of the blue in 4th place, just 500 sales of a podium. Obviously the Mini EV is both the highest ranking newcomer and highest ranking EV in China so far this year and probably will be for the rest of 2021. The Volkswagen Bora and Sagitar make it three VW’s in the top-10, while the Changan CS75 is the third and final domestic model in the top-10. Toyota places the Levin at #8 to score two top-10 positions.

Best selling luxury model is the Tesla Model 3 at #13, ahead of the BMW 3-Series L at #14, the Audi A6L at #19, the BMW 5-Series L at #23 and the Mercedes-Benz C-Class L at #26. Best selling luxury crossover is the Audi Q5L at #27, followed by the BMW X3 at #31, the Mercedes-Benz GLC at #33 and the Hongqi HS5 at #38. China’s most popular MPV is still the Wuling Hongguang at #24, staying ahead of the Buick GL8 at #30.

Bestune Car Sales ChinaBest performers in the top-100 are the Chery Arrizo 5 (#59, +15,361%), MG5 (#56, +440.1%), Changan UNI-T (#66, +305.6%) and Ora Black Cat (#92, +241.4%), followed by the GAC Trumpchi GM8 (#90, +218%), LI One (#99, +217.4%), Chery eQ1 (#93, +214.5%) and Toyota Wildlander (#48, +176%). Chery has three more models in the top-100 that more than double up: the Tiggo 3 (#75, +136.7%), Tiggo 5X (#69, +121.5%) and Tiggo 7 (#77, +110.3%).

Worst performers in the top-100 are the Volkswagen T-Roc (#94, -31.8%), Honda Civic (#41, -30.8%), Changan Oushang X7 (#87, -30%), Roewe RX5 (#72, -28.5%) and Volkswagen Tharu (#70, -25.9%). Volkswagen has three more models in the top-100 that lose sales by double digits: the Tayron (#51, -23.1%), Passat (#62, -18.4%) and Golf (#80, -16%).


Best selling newcomer (<12 months) is as mentioned above the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV at #4, followed by the Geely Xinrui (#43), Changan Oushang X5 (#44), new generation Hyundai Elantra (#46), and BYD Han (#54). The Tesla Model Y lands at #65, ahead of the Haval Big Dog at #68, the Wuling Victory at #84, Wey Tank 300 at #88 and Haval First Love at #98.

China models ranking first half 2021

Rank Model 2021 2020 Change
1 Nissan Sylphy 256.173 209.680 22,2%
2 Haval H6 196.685 121.771 61,5%
3 Toyota Corolla 183.275 153.230 19,6%
4 Wuling Hongguang Mini EV 182.767 0 New
5 Volkswagen Lavida 181.313 172.148 5,3%
6 Changan CS75 174.059 109.553 58,9%
7 Volkswagen Bora 158.661 130.998 21,1%
8 Toyota Levin 132.223 94.255 40,3%
9 Volkswagen Sagitar 130.814 117.896 11,0%
10 Honda CR-V 127.250 81.164 56,8%
11 Buick Excelle GT 121.490 100.550 20,8%
12 Geely Boyue 119.751 101.054 18,5%
13 Tesla Model 3 115.588 43.744 164,2%
14 BMW 3-Series L 101.025 66.787 51,3%
15 Toyota RAV4 100.693 79.293 27,0%
16 Changan Eado 99.075 56.277 76,0%
17 Honda XR-V 96.532 64.691 49,2%
18 Geely EC7 95.439 104.083 -8,3%
19 Audi A6L 95.184 73.412 29,7%
20 Toyota Camry 91.110 80.347 13,4%
21 Honda Vezel 90.447 60.105 50,5%
22 Honda Accord 89.157 81.447 9,5%
23 BMW 5-series L 87.405 71.379 22,5%
24 Wuling Hongguang 87.036 84.658 2,8%
25 Honda Breeze 83.837 63.749 31,5%
26 Mercedes-Benz C-Class L 78.172 69.765 12,1%
27 Audi Q5L 76.964 58.511 31,5%
28 BYD Song 76.564 8.016 855,1%
29 Nissan Qashqai 75.630 64.044 18,1%
30 Buick GL8 73.476 50.307 46,1%
31 BMW X3 73.444 59.412 23,6%
32 Volkswagen Santana 73.271 72.283 1,4%
33 Mercedes-Benz GLC 72.437 73.683 -1,7%
34 Audi A4L 72.251 50.496 43,1%
35 Mercedes-Benz E-Class L 71.147 69.463 2,4%
36 Chery Tiggo 8 70.754 41.532 70,4%
37 Roewe i5 69.604 56.965 22,2%
38 FAW Hongqi HS5 69.228 38.964 77,7%
39 Geely Binyue 67.818 47.371 43,2%
40 Buick Envision 67.204 59.409 13,1%
41 Honda Civic 67.172 97.094 -30,8%
42 Volkswagen Tiguan 67.152 66.284 1,3%
43 Geely Xingrui 66.311 0 New
44 Changan Oushang X5 64.384 0 New
45 Haval M6 63.078 60.872 3,6%
46 Hyundai Elantra 62.380 0 New
47 Nissan Teana 60.865 42.525 43,1%
48 Toyota Wildlander 60.754 22.009 176,0%
49 Changan CS55 60.415 41.377 46,0%
50 Jetour X70 55.308 30.756 79,8%
51 Volkswagen Tayron 53.416 69.495 -23,1%
52 BMW X1 53.330 43.610 22,3%
53 Nissan X-Trail 52.797 56.247 -6,1%
54 BYD Han 52.231 0 New
55 GAC Trumpchi GS4 51.482 57.071 -9,8%
56 MG5 51.348 9.508 440,1%
57 Toyota Avalon 50.576 46.518 8,7%
58 Changan CS35 49.918 50.307 -0,8%
59 Chery Arrizo 5 49.632 321 15361,7%
60 MG ZS 48.716 46.868 3,9%
61 Hyundai ix35 47.868 25.828 85,3%
62 Volkswagen Passat 47.480 58.174 -18,4%
63 Toyota Yaris L hatchback 47.266 40.230 17,5%
64 Buick Regal 46.273 52.404 -11,7%
65 Tesla Model Y 46.180 0 New
66 Changan UNI-T 45.895 11.316 305,6%
67 Toyota Highlander 45.662 43.379 5,3%
68 Haval Big Dog 44.839 0 New
69 Chery Tiggo 5X 43.962 19.844 121,5%
70 Volkswagen Tharu 43.867 59.188 -25,9%
71 Audi Q3 43.859 31.725 38,2%
72 Roewe RX5 42.497 59.405 -28,5%
73 FAW Hongqi H5 42.480 22.871 85,7%
74 Baojun 530 41.879 26.342 59,0%
75 Chery Tiggo 3 41.664 17.602 136,7%
76 Mazda3 Axela 41.189 35.869 14,8%
77 Chery Tiggo 7 39.566 18.814 110,3%
78 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 38.244 30.994 23,4%
79 Jetta VS5 36.951 41.181 -10,3%
80 Volkswagen Golf 35.342 42.061 -16,0%
81 Haval F7 35.327 46.805 -24,5%
82 Volvo XC60 34.977 23.786 47,0%
83 Lynk & Co 03 34.746 28.029 24,0%
84 Wuling Victory 34.649 0 New
85 Audi A3 33.772 37.381 -9,7%
86 Honda Fit 33.516 16.948 97,8%
87 Changan Oushang X7 33.182 47.412 -30,0%
88 Wey Tank 300 33.073 0 New
89 Mercedes-Benz GLB 32.915 25.604 28,6%
90 GAC Trumpchi GM8 32.683 10.278 218,0%
91 Geely Binrui 32.276 32.337 -0,2%
92 Ora Black Cat 31.994 9.372 241,4%
93 Chery eQ1 30.783 9.788 214,5%
94 Volkswagen T-Roc 30.755 45.077 -31,8%
95 Audi Q2L 30.487 19.518 56,2%
96 BYD Qin Plus 30.472 0 New
97 Nissan Tiida Hatchback 30.387 22.637 34,2%
98 Haval First Love 30.280 0 New
99 Leading Ideal ONE 30.154 9.500 217,4%
100 MG HS 30.080 17.409 72,8%
101 Toyota C-HR 29.942 22.771 31,5%
102 Geely Vision X3 29.720 35.724 -16,8%
103 GAC Aion S 29.537 18.211 62,2%
104 Changan Benni 29.151 3.927 642,3%
105 Honda Avancier 28.826 21.381 34,8%
106 Chevrolet Malibu 28.682 15.754 82,1%
107 Cadillac CT5 28.269 12.824 120,4%
108 Jetta VA3 28.180 20.391 38,2%
109 Lynk & Co 06 27.655 0 New
110 Honda Inspire 26.300 19.179 37,1%
111 Dongfeng Fengxing Lingzhi (Future) 26.087 26.753 -2,5%
112 Honda Elysion 25.740 15.974 61,1%
113 Cadillac XT4 25.498 20.693 23,2%
114 GAC Trumpchi GS3 25.337 16.692 51,8%
115 Toyota Izoa 25.072 15.347 63,4%
116 Volkswagen Teramont 24.947 29.822 -16,3%
117 Dongfeng Fengshen D53 24.854 19.016 30,7%
118 Lynk & Co 01 24.793 11.876 108,8%
119 Lincoln Corsair 24.766 5.589 343,1%
120 Toyota Vios sedan 24.399 24.752 -1,4%
121 Mitsubishi Outlander 23.206 20.769 11,7%
122 Buick LaCrosse 23.043 21.209 8,6%
123 Sol X8 22.926 0 New
124 Volkswagen Lamando 22.597 28.435 -20,5%
125 Honda Odyssey 22.570 16.922 33,4%
126 Geely Haoyue 22.437 2.372 845,9%
127 Cadillac XT5 22.279 26.527 -16,0%
128 Volvo S90 22.080 13.170 67,7%
129 Volkswagen Tacqua 21.859 10.275 112,7%
130 GAC Trumpchi GM6 21.529 13.661 57,6%
131 Volkswagen Polo 21.459 15.356 39,7%
132 Dongfeng Fengguang 500 21.198 0 New
133 Geely Vision X6 20.849 38.587 -46,0%
134 Jetta VS7 20.382 18.098 12,6%
135 BYD F3 20.341 1.679 1111,5%
136 Chevrolet Monza 20.135 66.278 -69,6%
137 Mercedes-Benz GLA 20.041 89 22418,0%
138 Chevrolet Sail 19.951 14.790 34,9%
139 BMW 1-Series 19.530 17.588 11,0%
140 Xpeng P7 19.496 494 3846,6%
141 Roewe clEVer 19.194 3.510 446,8%
142 JAC Refine M1 19.036 15.547 22,4%
143 Changan Alsvin 18.745 5.750 226,0%
144 Hyundai Celesta 18.347 24.035 -23,7%
145 Neta V 18.072 0 New
146 Nio ES6 18.023 11.711 53,9%
147 Dongfeng Fengxing T5 EVO 17.862 0 New
148 Changan UNI-K 17.861 0 New
149 MG3 17.732 8.153 117,5%
150 Baojun 510 17.568 24.225 -27,5%
151 Honda UR-V 17.510 4.315 305,8%
152 Honda Crider 17.497 48.676 -64,1%
153 Mazda6 Atenza 17.165 17.163 0,0%
154 Cadillac XT6 17.088 9.123 87,3%
155 Toyota Allion 16.966 0 New
156 FAW Hongqi H9 16.612 0 New
157 Kia K2 16.233 19.855 -18,2%
158 Geely Emgrand GS 15.985 46.168 -65,4%
159 Dongfeng Fengguang 580 15.934 15.845 0,6%
160 Kia Sportage R 15.860 31.554 -49,7%
161 Mazda CX-4 15.830 24.303 -34,9%
162 Venucia D60 15.564 16.224 -4,1%
163 Buick Enclave 15.035 8.404 78,9%
164 Chevrolet Equinox 14.991 18.562 -19,2%
165 Nio EC6 14.984 0 New
166 Volkswagen T- Cross 14.783 14.298 3,4%
167 Leapmotor T03 14.456 698 1971,1%
168 Lynk & Co 05 14.248 5.357 166,0%
169 Ford Escort 14.208 18.308 -22,4%
170 Ford Escape 14.069 17.947 -21,6%
171 Changan Raeton CC 13.946 8.342 67,2%
172 Ford Mondeo 13.749 8.853 55,3%
173 Hyundai Tucson 13.709 12.763 7,4%
174 Ford Explorer 13.515 1.825 640,5%
175 Ford Territory 13.239 13.604 -2,7%
176 Weltmeister EX5 13.173 7.566 74,1%
177 Exeed TX 13.114 6.111 114,6%
178 BYD Tang 13.047 12.212 6,8%
179 BYD e2 12.685 6.848 85,2%
180 Honda Envix 12.622 17.580 -28,2%
181 Volvo S60L 12.363 9.354 32,2%
182 Jetour X90 12.182 3.638 234,9%
183 Honda Life 12.151 0 New
184 Hyundai ix25 12.034 17.835 -32,5%
185 Changan CX70 12.033 18.556 -35,2%
186 Hyundai Verna Yuena 12.020 10.393 15,7%
187 BMW X2 12.014 10.156 18,3%
188 Mazda CX-5 12.001 14.735 -18,6%
189 Ford Edge 11.937 10.215 16,9%
190 Baojun 730 11.925 14.584 -18,2%
191 Sol A5 11.853 0 New
192 FAW Besturn B70 11.740 0 New
193 Dongfeng Fengguang 560 11.719 12.205 -4,0%
194 Ora Good Cat 11.677 0 New
195 Roewe i6 11.540 11.240 2,7%
196 Wey VV6 11.457 12.787 -10,4%
197 Xpeng G3 11.242 4.202 167,5%
198 Dongfeng Fengshen AX7 10.971 9.394 16,8%
199 Geely Xingyue 10.919 11.764 -7,2%
200 Mercedes-Benz V-Class 10.719 7.082 51,4%
201 Land Rover Discovery Sport 10.520 10.399 1,2%
202 Maxus G50 / Euniq 5 10.278 6.559 56,7%
203 Kia Stonic 10.201 7.791 30,9%
204 Kia K3 10.053 14.138 -28,9%
205 Toyota Vios FS 10.025 10.401 -3,6%
206 Chevrolet Cavalier 9.884 15.054 -34,3%
207 Buick Velite 6 9.848 5.985 64,5%
208 Geely Borui / GC9 9.838 6.263 57,1%
209 Geely Emgrand S 9.724 0 New
210 Haval H9 9.710 7.286 33,3%
211 Cadillac CT4 9.629 5.388 78,7%
212 Volvo XC40 9.621 9.356 2,8%
213 Sol E10X 9.539 0 New
214 Kia Forte 9.354 6.574 42,3%
215 BAW BJ40 9.166 5.429 68,8%
216 Cadillac CT6 9.146 9.806 -6,7%
217 Maxus G10 9.124 6.397 42,6%
218 Changan CS85 Coupe 9.016 6.154 46,5%
219 Kia KX3 Seltos 8.972 24.700 -63,7%
220 Nio ES8 8.949 2.458 264,1%
221 Ora White Cat 8.876 0 New
222 MG6 8.758 17.772 -50,7%
223 Geely Borui / GC9 8.753 4.207 108,1%
224 BYD Qin EV 8.691 15.894 -45,3%
225 BYD D1 8.299 0 New
226 BAIC Beijing X7 8.244 1.401 488,4%
227 Nissan Kicks 8.192 13.495 -39,3%
228 Mercedes-Benz Vito 8.131 6.480 25,5%
229 Volkswagen CC 8.110 13.022 -37,7%
230 Skoda Kamiq 8.080 13.166 -38,6%
231 Nissan Terra 8.032 4.979 61,3%
232 Peugeot 4008 7.886 3.443 129,0%
233 BMW iX3 7.881 0 New
234 Ford Focus 7.752 17.167 -54,8%
235 Dongfeng Fengshen E70 7.483 1.049 613,3%
236 GAC Trumpchi GS8 7.473 8.613 -13,2%
237 Baojun RC-5 7.440 0 New
238 Venucia Star 7.424 5.473 35,6%
239 Haval Chitu 7.348 0 New
240 Geely Icon 7.318 14.243 -48,6%
241 Toyota Yaris L sedan 7.309 14.942 -51,1%
242 Geely Jiaji 7.299 9.355 -22,0%
243 BYD Song MAX 7.299 7.503 -2,7%
244 Wey VV5 7.234 7.845 -7,8%
245 FAW Hongqi HS7 7.099 2.520 181,7%
246 Ford Taurus 7.067 7.469 -5,4%
247 FAW Bestune T77 7.042 15.306 -54,0%
248 Volkswagen Tayron X 6.944 812 755,2%
249 Changan CS15 6.935 3.839 80,6%
250 Hyundai Reina 6.881 15.440 -55,4%
251 Mazda CX-30 6.864 5.091 34,8%
252 Audi Q5L Sportback 6.826 0 New
253 Audi Q3 Sportback 6.825 0 New
254 Jinbei Grace 6.750 6.845 -1,4%
255 Jeep Compass 6.745 10.285 -34,4%
256 Peugeot 408 6.717 3.347 100,7%
257 Venucia T60 6.685 8.003 -16,5%
258 Jaguar XEL 6.674 4.832 38,1%
259 Chery Cowin Showjet 6.667 2.523 164,2%
260 GAC Aion V 6.583 328 1907,0%
261 Lincoln Nautilus 6.528 0 New
262 SWM G05 6.438 10.436 -38,3%
263 GAC Aion Y 6.436 0 New
264 Lynk & Co 02 6.431 9.501 -32,3%
265 Citroen C5 Aircross 6.356 3.307 92,2%
266 Nissan Murano 6.304 3.840 64,2%
267 Lincoln Aviator 6.260 509 1129,9%
268 BAIC Beijing Senova Zhida X3 6.086 13.520 -55,0%
269 GAC Trumpchi GS5 5.965 5.640 5,8%
270 VGV U70 5.846 7.977 -26,7%
271 Roewe RX3 5.759 8.261 -30,3%
272 BAIC EU-Series 5.629 11.722 -52,0%
273 Range Rover Evoque 5.502 3.978 38,3%
274 Yema T60 5.460 5.388 1,3%
275 Cos 1 5.440 2.563 112,3%
276 FAW Bestune T33 5.402 2.650 103,8%
277 BYD Yuan 5.388 8.758 -38,5%
278 Skoda Karoq 5.368 5.136 4,5%
279 Dongfeng Fengguang 330 5.301 6.500 -18,4%
280 Changan CS95 5.120 2.918 75,5%
281 Kia K5 4.834 766 531,1%
282 Geometry C 4.582 44 10313,6%
283 Skoda Rapid 4.548 11.617 -60,9%
284 Suzuki Alivio 4.503 7.296 -38,3%
285 Hyundai Mistra 4.474 10.430 -57,1%
286 Lingbao BOX 4.468 0 New
287 FAW Bestune T99 4.439 5.386 -17,6%
288 Mitsubishi ASX 4.392 3.942 11,4%
289 Qoros 7 4.380 0 New
290 Hyundai Santa Fe 4.340 3.501 24,0%
291 Volkswagen Viloran 4.257 5.920 -28,1%
292 Peugeot 508L 4.238 1.924 120,3%
293 FAW Bestune T55 4.217 0 New
294 Foton MPX 4.212 3.260 29,2%
295 Levdeo Mango 4.095 0 New
296 Volkswagen ID.4 Crozz 3.960 0 New
297 FAW Hongqi E-QM5 3.901 0 New
298 Hyundai Sonata 3.864 1.022 278,1%
299 Baojun 630 3.816 2.400 59,0%
300 Haima 7X 3.756 0 New
301 SWM G01 3.685 8.058 -54,3%
302 Roewe iMAX8 3.663 0 New
303 Chevrolet Blazer 3.661 2.552 43,5%
304 Peugeot 5008 3.599 1.660 116,8%
305 SWM X2 3.574 0 New
306 Sol X7 3.528 0 New
307 Volkswagen ID.4 X 3.494 0 New
308 Skoda Octavia 3.485 10.035 -65,3%
309 Volkswagen Phideon 3.462 3.029 14,3%
310 Changan Oushang 3.422 2.390 43,2%
311 FAW Hongqi H7 3.325 2.962 12,3%
312 Baojun E200 3.312 7.866 -57,9%
313 Citroen C6 3.220 601 435,8%
314 Volkswagen Talagon 3.097 0 New
315 SWM X3 3.086 1.473 109,5%
316 Jaguar XFL 3.080 2.539 21,3%
317 Mercedes-Benz EQC 3.044 514 492,2%
318 Neta U 3.032 867 249,7%
319 Sol QX 2.997 0 New
320 Jeep Grand Commander 2.992 2.792 7,2%
321 GAC-Toyota iA5 2.962 2.955 0,2%
322 Cos Kosai 5 2.858 405 605,7%
323 GAC Trumpchi GA6 2.744 3.440 -20,2%
324 Nissan Lannia 2.730 12.685 -78,5%
325 Chery E3 2.622 2.444 7,3%
326 Borgward BX5 2.550 3.433 -25,7%
327 Aiways U5 2.546 207 1130,0%
328 Honda M-NV 2.508 0 New
329 Roewe RX8 2.483 3.316 -25,1%
330 Dongfeng Fukang ES500 2.482 0 New
331 Changan Honor 2.460 8.414 -70,8%
332 Buick Encore GX 2.440 5.840 -58,2%
333 Weltmeister W6 2.437 0 New
334 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 2.408 3.763 -36,0%
335 Roewe R ER6 2.403 0 New
336 Yema Spica 2.395 2.713 -11,7%
337 Denza X 2.383 1.923 23,9%
338 Baojun 310 2.375 10.587 -77,6%
339 Yudo Pi1 2.367 299 691,6%
340 Wey VV7 2.287 6.007 -61,9%
341 FAW Hongqi E-HS9 2.256 0 New
342 Maple 80V 2.165 0 New
343 GAC Trumpchi GA4 2.163 942 129,6%
344 Chery Cowin X3 2.122 2.232 -4,9%
345 Geometry A 2.098 1.121 87,2%
346 Baojun RS-3 2.097 19.621 -89,3%
347 Chevrolet Tracker 2.055 969 112,1%
348 Wey Mocha 2.006 0 New
349 Soueast DX3 1.999 2.086 -4,2%
350 FAW Besturn B30 1.979 4.119 -52,0%
351 Baojun E100 1.868 2.935 -36,4%
352 Roewe Marvel R 1.818 0 New
353 Maxus D90 1.813 639 183,7%
354 Buick GL6 1.805 4.344 -58,4%
355 Acura CDX 1.772 2.375 -25,4%
356 Karry K60 1.771 680 160,4%
357 Acura RDX 1.744 2.461 -29,1%
358 SWM X7 1.720 5.419 -68,3%
359 Baojun E300 1.697 1.824 -7,0%
360 Infiniti QX50 1.692 5.202 -67,5%
361 Sol X4 1.674 0 New
362 BYD E6 1.655 0 New
363 Chevrolet Orlando 1.601 7.897 -79,7%
364 Soueast DX5 1.600 2.276 -29,7%
365 Seres SF5 1.580 0 New
366 Baojun 360 1.497 4.660 -67,9%
367 Jeep Cherokee 1.480 3.286 -55,0%
368 Chery Tiggo 5 1.440 2.316 -37,8%
369 Kia KX5 1.408 4.908 -71,3%
370 Everus VE-1 1.375 627 119,3%
371 BAIC Beijing Senova D50 1.331 2.763 -51,8%
372 Dongfeng Fukang e Elysee 1.306 0 New
373 Buick Encore 1.299 11.459 -88,7%
374 Sol E50A 1.288 0 New
375 GAC Empow55 1.182 0 New
376 Maxus D60 1.177 821 43,4%
377 Dongfeng Fengguang ix5 1.162 3.118 -62,7%
378 Baojun RM-5 1.151 10.466 -89,0%
379 Volkswagen ID.6 X 1.147 0 New
380 JMC E300 1.087 1.871 -41,9%
381 Geely Borui GE 1.085 2.056 -47,2%
382 Chevrolet Menlo 1.056 589 79,3%
383 Yudo Pi3 1.021 103 891,3%
384 BAIC Beijing Senova X55 1.011 1.059 -4,5%
385 Everus EA6 966 0 New
386 Zedriv GC 953 703 35,6%
387 Soueast A5 945 1.154 -18,1%
388 Audi e-tron 940 0 New
389 Qiteng EX80 849 211 302,4%
390 Roewe Marvel X 842 30 2706,7%
391 Jeep Renegade 840 1.411 -40,5%
392 Dongfeng Fengguang S513 815 0 New
393 Chery QQ 811 571 42,0%
394 Citroen C3-XR 800 2.667 -70,0%
395 Ant EV 784 0 New
396 Changan Q1 744 1.930 -61,5%
397 Arcfox αT 700 0 New
398 Suzuki Beidouxing (Big Dipper) 696 2.728 -74,5%
399 Hyundai Elantra Lingdong 684 39.820 -98,3%
400 Volkswagen Touran 671 3.918 -82,9%
401 Baojun RS-5 641 3.581 -82,1%
402 Cos Cosmos 619 891 -30,5%
403 Infiniti Q50L 617 3.222 -80,9%
404 BAW BJ30 591 0 New
405 Baojun RC-6 583 4.939 -88,2%
406 Dorcen G60 560 5.770 -90,3%
407 Volkswagen ID.6 Crozz 538 0 New
408 Soueast DX7 Bolang 537 783 -31,4%
409 Hyundai Encino 529 610 -13,3%
410 BAW BJ80C 523 169 209,5%
411 Chery Tiggo e 517 447 15,7%
412 Borgward BX7 480 1.384 -65,3%
413 Skoda Kodiaq 468 4.621 -89,9%
414 Arcfox αS 467 0 New
415 Dongfeng Fengguang ix7 453 2.157 -79,0%
416 Hanteng V7 439 1.283 -65,8%
417 DS9 436 0 New
418 GAC Trumpchi GA8 409 261 56,7%
419 Leapmotor S01 374 181 106,6%
420 Volvo S60L PHEV 356 135 163,7%
421 Honda X-NV 355 2.428 -85,4%
422 Kia KX7 342 179 91,1%
423 Skoda Superb 316 1.921 -83,6%
424 Buick Velite 7 311 0 New
425 GAC Aion LX 309 1.673 -81,5%
426 Venucia T90 293 1.410 -79,2%
427 Mazda CX-8 276 346 -20,2%
428 Chevrolet Trailblazer 273 2.917 -90,6%
429 FAW Senia R8 271 2 13450,0%
430 Sol E40X 247 0 New
431 Skoda Rapid spaceback 235 1.275 -81,6%
432 Hanteng X5 217 3.340 -93,5%
433 Zedriv GX5 196 798 -75,4%
434 Foton Sauvana 161 143 12,6%
435 Dongfeng Joyear S50 133 220 -39,5%
436 Hycan 007 131 124 5,6%
437 BAIC Beijing Senova D70 107 1.776 -94,0%
438 Changhe Freedom M50 96 2.114 -95,5%
439 JMC EX5 (=E400) 95 406 -76,6%
440 Citroen C3L 95 218 -56,4%
441 Baojun RS-7 93 0 New
442 Hanteng X7 92 2.326 -96,0%
443 Chery E5 62 0 New
444 Maxus Euniq 6 57 20 185,0%
445 Weltmeister EX6 55 120 -54,2%
446 BAW BJ90 53 36 47,2%
447 Venucia E30 48 132 -63,6%
448 DS7 10 103 -90,3%
449 BAIC Beijing Huansu H2 8 0 New
450 Chery Tiggo 3xe 6 115 -94,8%
451 FAW Pentium NAT 5 0 New
452 Changhe A6 4 1.171 -99,7%
453 Peugeot 308 3 353 -99,2%
454 Citroen C4 Aircross 3 215 -98,6%

Sources: Manufacturers, Chooseauto