
Huansu China Sales Figures

Data & Charts for Total Huansu Sales in China

Auto-sales-statistics-China-Huansu-logoHuansu Sales Data & Trends for the Chinese Automotive Market

Huansu Auto was launched in 2014 and is based in Chongqing in Southwest China. Huansu is a brand of the Beiqi-Yinxiang Joint Venture between Beijing Auto (BAIC) and Yinxiang Motorcycle Group. This JV also produces the Bisu brand since late 2016. While Bisu is marketed to young cheap car buyers, Huansu is aimed towards all cheap car buyers, mostly in second and third tier cities in China.

Find sales figures for the Huansu H2, H3, H5, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7 and any other car model produced and sold in China since the early 2000’s.

Car sales statistics from China only include domestic production and exclude imported models.

Monthly Vehicle Sales

Annual Vehicle Sales

Annual Vehicle Sales Chart

Market Share Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, Chooseauto.