
Everus China Sales Figures

Data & Charts for Total Everus Brand Sales in China

Auto-sales-statistics-China-Everus-logoEverus Sales Data & Trends for the Chinese Automotive Market

Everus is a brand of GAC-Honda, which is a Joint Venture of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. and Honda. Everus introduced its first model, based on the Honda City sedan, in 2007 and discontinued it in 2016. Then in late 2018, Everus was revived with an electric crossover based on the Honda Vezel (known as HR-V in other markets.)

Also find sales figures for the Everus VE-1, (Linian) S1 and any other car model produced and sold in China since the early 2000’s. Car sales statistics from China only include domestic production and exclude imported models.

Monthly Vehicle Sales

Annual Vehicle Sales

Annual Vehicle Sales Chart

Market Share Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, Chooseauto.