
European car sales analysis May 2015 – brands

European-car-sales-analysis-May-2015Growth of passenger car sales in Europe has stalled in May 2015, with just a 1,3% increase over the same month last year, at 1,142 million cars sold. As a result, the year-to-date improvement has shrunk to 6,53% at almost 6 million sales. Is this month a temporary glitch in the 22 month-long recovery or does it signal an underlying weakness in the European car market? We’ll have to see next month. Spain and Italy showed strong gains of 14% and 10,8% respectively, and the UK continued its impressive performance at +2,4%. However, French car sales were down 3,5% and in Germany 6,7% fewer cars were sold in May. Year-to-date figures for these five largest markets are still positive, though.

Renault-Nissan benefit the most again, adding just under 10.000 sales, while both premium manufacturers Daimler AG and BMW Group followed suit at almost 7.500 and 5.900 extra sales respectively. Surprisingly, after being among the biggest contributors to Europe’s recovery, Volkswagen Group is suddenly among the biggest losers, with a minus of just over 5.000 units, a figure only “beaten” by PSA at -7.000 sales. As becoming usual, General Motors is in the negative top-3 at -4.500 units.

Lada-Niva-auto-sales-statistics-EuropeRelatively, AvtoVAZ from Russia is the fastest growing manufacturer at +59,2% thanks to the return of Lada in a few European countries. Mahindra & Mahindra, owner of SsangYong, follows suit with +52,9% and Mitsubishi completes the top 3 at +30,6%. Honda keeps losing customers due to its failure to bring attractive new products to Europe quickly enough, and is down 17,1% in May, not far ahead of DRB-Hicom, whose Lotus brand of sports cars has an off-month at -16,7% after showing impressive gains earlier this year. Also surprising to see a large manufacturer like Toyota drop more than 9%.

Nissan-X_Trail-auto-sales-statistics-EuropeBrands-wise, Nissan is the biggest winner in May, while Toyota is the biggest loser. As a result, while Nissan trailed its Japanese rival by 7.000 units last May, it is ahead by 2.500 sales this year, and increasing its lead year-to-date. Nissan is helped by successes of the X-Trail and Juke and the introduction of the Pulsar, which offset losses of the Note and Micra. Toyota on the other hand is held back by losses of its bestsellers the Auris and Yaris, which the new generation Aygo couldn’t make up for.

Jeep and Mini also add more than 4.000 sales to their May score thanks to the Renegade and the third generation Mini hatchback and the new 5-door, while Audi is a surprising loser as the A3 is losing steam and the A4 is about to be replaced. DS is also still in negative territory, as the facelifted DS3 hasn’t picked up steam yet and the brand is in a new-product drought.

Great-Wall-Voleex-C20R-auto-sales-statistics-EuropeLamborghini is the fastest growing brand relatively, with sales increasing 142,9% thanks to the all-new Huracan, followed by Jeep (+139,5%) and Mahindra (+107,7%), also more than doubling up. The fastest shrinking brands, behind obviously Chevrolet, are the small players that are available in just a handful of countries: Great Wall and Tata. Great wall is down 78,9% to just 8 sales in Europe, vs. 54 sales in Bulgaria, -27%, and 6.289 sales in China, -42%, as the company switches its focus to the hot SUV and crossover market with its Haval brand. Tata is down 57,1% to just 18 sales as the brand still hasn’t made its official return to select European markets.

May winners and losers

Manufacturer biggest volume increase Renault-Nissan 9.873 Manufacturer biggest volume lost PSA -6.994
Daimler AG 7.439 Volkswagen Group -5.073
BMW AG 5.889 General Motors -4.589
Manufacturer biggest % increase AvtoVAZ (Lada) 59,2% Manufacturer biggest % lost Honda -17,1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 52,9% DRB-Hicom (Proton / Lotus) -16,7%
Mitsubishi Motors 30,6% Toyota Motor -9,2%
Brand biggest volume increase Nissan 5.566 Brand biggest volume lost Toyota -3.906
Jeep 4.368 Audi -3.889
Mini 4.201 DS -3.175
Brand biggest % increase Lamborghini 142,9% Brand biggest % lost Chevrolet -92,5%
Jeep 139,5% Great Wall -78,9%
Mahindra 107,7% Tata -57,1%

Jan – May 2015 sales

Year-to-date, Renault-Nissan improves its position as the biggest gaining manufacturer ahead of Volkswagen Group, while Daimler consolidates its third place of biggest winners thanks to gains at both Mercedes-Benz and Smart.

Mercedes-Benz-GLA-auto-sales-statistics-EuropeIn the brand ranking, Mercedes-Benz leapfrogs BMW to become second-ranked premium brand behind Audi and #7 overall, while Mini passes Suzuki to enter the brand top-20. Surging Mitsubishi edges ahead of struggling Honda for the first time since at least the year 2000. Within the next few months, Porsche could move ahead of DS in the brands ranking, with the German sports car brand riding a wave of success on its best-selling Macan SUV, and DS struggling to sell its ageing hatchbacks.

Jan – May winners and losers


Manufacturer biggest volume increase Renault-Nissan 92.550 Manufacturer biggest volume lost General Motors -14.627
Volkswagen Group 76.357 Honda -6.111
Daimler AG 41.537 Aston Martin -22
Manufacturer biggest % increase DRB-Hicom (Proton / Lotus) 61,8% Manufacturer biggest % lost Honda -10,0%
Mitsubishi Motors 51,7% General Motors -3,6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 48,1% Aston Martin -3,0%
Brand biggest volume increase Volkswagen 44.716 Brand biggest volume lost Chevrolet -31.079
Renault 42.834 DS -8.649
Nissan 41.985 Honda -6.111
Brand biggest % increase Jeep 181,4% Brand biggest % lost Chevrolet -96,6%
Lamborghini 118,5% Great Wall -77,6%
Mahindra 81,2% Tata -52,3%

May 2015 brand ranking

Brand May 2015 May 2014 change
1 Volkswagen 142.616 144.108 -1,0%
2 Ford 82.412 83.461 -1,3%
3 Opel-Vauxhall 77.309 79.303 -2,5%
4 Renault 75.146 71.006 5,8%
5 Peugeot 67.381 68.463 -1,6%
6 Audi 62.449 66.338 -5,9%
7 Mercedes-Benz 61.213 57.946 5,6%
8 Fiat 57.601 54.338 6,0%
9 BMW 56.977 55.286 3,1%
10 Skoda 51.502 51.482 0,0%
11 Nissan 43.648 38.082 14,6%
12 Citroën 43.236 45.973 -6,0%
13 Toyota 41.219 45.125 -8,7%
14 Hyundai 36.506 34.938 4,5%
15 Seat 31.302 31.752 -1,4%
16 Kia 31.023 29.602 4,8%
17 Dacia 30.609 30.501 0,4%
18 Volvo 21.605 21.979 -1,7%
19 Mini 15.446 11.245 37,4%
20 Mazda 14.205 14.194 0,1%
21 Suzuki 13.928 12.209 14,1%
22 Land Rover 12.329 10.442 18,1%
23 Mitsubishi 11.215 8.590 30,6%
24 Smart 9.254 5.082 82,1%
25 Honda 9.230 11.129 -17,1%
26 Jeep 7.499 3.131 139,5%
27 Porsche 6.293 5.570 13,0%
28 Lancia-Chrysler 5.670 7.490 -24,3%
29 Alfa Romeo 5.512 5.542 -0,5%
30 DS 5.013 8.188 -38,8%
31 Subaru 3.165 2.797 13,2%
32 Jaguar 2.576 2.358 9,2%
33 Lexus 1.756 2.220 -20,9%
34 SSangYong 1.059 702 50,9%
35 Tesla 970 778 24,7%
36 Maserati 562 539 4,3%
37 Infiniti 488 429 13,8%
38 Ferrari 284 243 16,9%
39 SAIC MG 270 241 12,0%
40 Chevrolet 210 2.789 -92,5%
41 Bentley 166 198 -16,2%
42 Lada 164 103 59,2%
43 Aston Martin 137 142 -3,5%
44 Lamborghini 85 35 142,9%
45 Rolls Royce 64 67 -4,5%
46 Lotus 55 66 -16,7%
47 Mahindra 54 26 107,7%
48 Chevrolet USA 49 70 -30,0%
49 Dodge 42 83 -49,4%
50 Cadillac 40 29 37,9%
51 Tata 18 42 -57,1%
52 DR 14 21 -33,3%
53 Great Wall 8 38 -78,9%
54 Daihatsu 7 2 250,0%
55 Bugatti 1 0

Jan – May 2015 brand ranking

Brand Jan-May 2015 Jan-May 2014 change
1 Volkswagen 729.894 685.178 6,5%
2 Ford 441.636 423.109 4,4%
3 Renault 404.266 361.432 11,9%
4 Opel/Vauxhall 394.161 377.294 4,5%
5 Peugeot 362.211 346.149 4,6%
6 Audi 323.779 320.216 1,1%
7 Mercedes-Benz 300.691 273.822 9,8%
8 BMW 299.272 280.814 6,6%
9 Fiat 286.580 265.157 8,1%
10 Skoda 255.966 246.308 3,9%
11 Nissan 248.472 206.487 20,3%
12 Toyota 238.822 233.819 2,1%
13 Citroën 233.494 232.350 0,5%
14 Hyundai 193.159 177.554 8,8%
15 Kia 164.010 152.456 7,6%
16 Dacia 163.036 156.132 4,4%
17 Seat 149.526 138.672 7,8%
18 Volvo 108.023 102.377 5,5%
19 Mazda 80.534 76.854 4,8%
20 Mini 74.578 55.258 35,0%
21 Suzuki 73.963 72.782 1,6%
22 Land Rover 63.686 56.507 12,7%
23 Mitsubishi 56.951 37.532 51,7%
24 Honda 55.177 61.288 -10,0%
25 Smart 41.518 26.849 54,6%
26 Jeep 35.956 12.777 181,4%
27 DS 32.071 40.720 -21,2%
28 Porsche 30.202 22.721 32,9%
29 Lancia-Chrysler 29.596 33.873 -12,6%
30 Alfa Romeo 25.519 26.919 -5,2%
31 Subaru 15.774 15.597 1,1%
32 Lexus 13.519 11.808 14,5%
33 Jaguar 12.026 13.058 -7,9%
34 Tesla 4.991 4.244 17,6%
35 SSangYong 4.731 3.225 46,7%
36 Maserati 2.766 2.542 8,8%
37 Infiniti 2.308 1.481 55,8%
38 SAIC MG 1.438 1.008 42,7%
39 Ferrari 1.273 1.225 3,9%
40 Chevrolet 1.080 32.159 -96,6%
41 Bentley 1.007 1.133 -11,1%
42 Lada 803 601 33,6%
43 Aston Martin 722 744 -3,0%
44 Lamborghini 402 184 118,5%
45 Lotus 351 216 62,5%
46 Rolls Royce 263 310 -15,2%
47 Mahindra 241 133 81,2%
48 Dodge 196 282 -30,5%
49 Cadillac 194 171 13,5%
50 Chevrolet USA 150 575 -73,9%
51 DR 132 100 32,0%
52 Tata 106 222 -52,3%
53 Great Wall 43 192 -77,6%
54 Daihatsu 7 7 0,0%
55 Bugatti 3 3 0,0%