Croatia Automotive Sales Data & Trends


Here you will find annual car sales figures for Croatia. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Complete market data for Croatia is only available since 2013 from our source, because the country wasn’t part of the European Union before. If you have reliable LCV statistics from before that time, please get in touch with us. From a peak of over 88.000 passenger car sales in 2008, the market collapsed as volume was virtually halved the next year (similar to Bulgaria) and declined further to a low of under 28.000 passenger cars in 2013, a total decline of 68,5% in 5 years time. Since then, the market has rebounded quickly, adding more than 50% to its volume in just three years time, and returning to 2009 levels in 2017, thanks to double digit increases in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018. LCV sales typically make up 15% of total car sales in Croatia.

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Annual Vehicle Sales

Annual Vehicle Sales Chart

Source: ACEA, AutoNET