Comments on: The only way I think Chrysler can survive and why it won’t happen Automotive Industry analysis, opinions and data Wed, 29 May 2019 02:36:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Art Wed, 29 May 2019 02:36:22 +0000 Chrysler cars should all have 23 inch rims, 2 18 inch subwoofers in the trunk (ya’ know for all dat thumpin’ in da’ trunk) , 20,000 watt sound systems, smoked glass and lambo doors as standard equipment. Chrysler must keep up its ghetto image or it’ll never survive.

By: Stephen R Higley Ph.D. Wed, 26 Oct 2016 15:38:31 +0000 Yes! Bring back the Imperial and make it the most sophisticated upscale sedan on the market…. Okay, well please (at least) make it as nice as the Genesis G90.

By: SelecaoStamfordBridge Wed, 26 Oct 2016 10:24:53 +0000 China; where is Chrysler in China? Also where is Dodge, where is Fiat, where is RAM, where is Alfa Romeo? The biggest market in the world and they’ve got two performers Jeep and Maserati; the rest are either anonymous or not-present.

India? Jeep and Fiat – the rest are nowhere.

To save FCA Marchionne needs find a partner who will fix this problem for him. FCA doesn’t have the capital.

1. SUVs aren’t a bad idea big ones for the US are fine; they’ll need to do a better job than last time with the Aspen at making them a bit more special; proper competition for Buick. But they’ll need small and medium SUVs for China. They’ll need a few, they need them soon. One based on the Renegade and one on the new Compass; both slightly lengthened and with improved interiorswould go a long way.

2. A new 200, American’s still buy mid-sized sedans; not in the numbers they have in the past; but they’re still among the best selling vehicles in the US; Camry, Accord, Fusion, Altima, Malibu, Optima, Sonata. The old 200 looked good, but it needed to do more than that after the disaster that was the Sebring.

3. Imperial. Fiat, Dodge, RAM, Jeep, Chrysler, Alfa Romeo,_______, Maserati. I know it seems counter-intuitive to add another brand (they still have Lancia in Italy as well), but luxury is big business these days – Imperial can sell the Lincoln Continental/Cadillac Escalade rivals that Alfa Romeo and Maserati can’t, and they can sell them to China. It works like Borgward – a fresh brand but with a dash of history.

4. New engines. FCA has some very good engines small and large capacity engines – and a lot of duds in the middle. Their best engines, also tend to be confined to a single brand, Maserati will have to keep its exclusivity when it comes to power plants – but Fiat needs to start sharing it’s small capacity engines with the other brands (though they need the platforms to put them in – see No.1).

By: Nico Fri, 14 Oct 2016 10:03:57 +0000 In reply to Adam.

@Adam: ” Fiat’s continued loss of market share in Europe should be very troubling for him”. Please, take a look at this, just to give an example:

Now I understand where your freaky analysis about FCA strategy and position in the market come from: your wild but unsupported fantasy…

By: Pedro Fri, 14 Oct 2016 10:03:41 +0000 The new Chrysler Pacifica already caught up in sales to the outgoing Town&Country.
And Marchionne already said that they WILL replace the 200 and Dart for new models. They won’t exit the car market but they need to be more rigorous in how they handle those launches. And after he said this, both Ford and GM already stated that they would end production of cars in North America as well. But the auto journalists didn’t give nearly the same attention to that as they when Marchionne revealed that.

FCA is investing on Alfa Romeo, Maserati and Jeep, but Dodge will benefit from the investments on Alfa since they’ll have access to the Giorgio platform.
Chrysler will carry the FWD platforms of the group. I think Chrysler will survive if Marchionne gets the brand in the chinese market. Chrysler could be a great Buick competitor over there and that would ensure the survival of the brand.

As long as Jeep prints money, the Alfa Romeo launch is successful (early sales indicators show a jump in sales after the Giulia launch) and the Levante increases Maserati’s profits (it’s selling very well) they’ll get muscle and time to plan what to do with Chrysler.

As for electrification, FCA doesn’t have the capital to be a leader on that segment. they just have to wait for the battery manufacturers to ramp up production and adopt electrics when they replace their current platforms.
There’s no point for them in investing heavily in a market that won’t bring immediate profits. It’s better to let other manufacturers do the heavy lifting and then do agreements with suppliers like LG Chem or Panasonic for the batteries.

By: Adam Fri, 14 Oct 2016 05:29:16 +0000 Marchionne is clearly operating FCA in survival mode, but he’s trying to position it as forward thinking. Replacing sedans with SUV’s is reacting to a secret that everyone else already knew. Just because sedans are a slowly shrinking segment, doesn’t mean you should practically abandon it. This makes even less for Chysler specifically, considering the same dealership lots are going to be filled with a bunch of Jeep and Dodge SUV’s.

Part of the problem, I believe, is he looks at the brand as “FCA” and not the individual brands. Seperating Ram from Dodge was a desperate attampt to make FCA look more diversified. When, in reality, Jeep and Dodge were the only brands that held actual value. Fiat’s continued loss of market share in Europe should be very troubling for him. And Chrysler serves no purpose, beyond a minivan(not exactly a growing segment)

The whole auto industry has concluded that alliances and collaborations are necessary for the industry. Marchionne seems to get credit for this but other auto makers are doing this to save on R&D, not just for rebadging cars. Rebadging cars has never been a sustainable business plan, GM went bankrupt this way. Yet, Marchionne, who keeps touting alliances seems to be the one learning the least from them. He keeps looking for more partners, but is left wondering why no car maker wants anything to do with him

By: Carlos Tomic Fri, 14 Oct 2016 03:05:14 +0000 In reply to Stephen R Higley Ph.D..

I think Chrysler lacks sprit de corps. Executives do their job within expectations but they do not motivate subordinates. They can not put in everybody´s bloodstream love and committment for Chrysler.

Instead a worker at Daimler, Lexus or BMW have blood filled with brand and pride and their families feel proud too.

By: Stephen R Higley Ph.D. Thu, 13 Oct 2016 18:24:24 +0000 In the 1950s, my Grandfather George Lindblom, was the world’s largest Chrysler dealer. I was literally brought up breathing Chrysler. It pains me to see the demise of the brand. I will cherish my wonderful Chrysler 300 Sport for these last years of my life. The death of Chrysler has taken longer than I originally thought. Teaming a weak Chrysler with Death-Spiral Fiat seemed the Coup de Grace. I guess putting two weak companies together is a long shot. At least it bought some time to try and fix Chrysler’s problems.

I had such high hopes for the 200. The looks were a bit bland but very pleasing to the eye. However, after renting one for a weekend, I decided that it didn’t seem competitive in the mid-size market. Aside from being too small, it seemed well thought out. My question was why didn’t Fiat-Chrysler fix the 200 and Dart instead of killing them off. The fact that they’re going to the great auto graveyard in the sky tells me that “fixing” the Dart and 200 would have taken major (expensive) work.

I guess the only way to maintain Chrysler brand is to hope for a White Knight such as Honda or Toyota comes along. Unfortunately they are probably only interested in Jeep and Ram.
